There are twelve telephone tips. Choose the correct words from the list to fill in the blanks. Interrupt,pretend,clear,distraction,argue,schedule,polite,document,lengthy,hear,advance,misunderstand.1. Know the purpose of your call in __________.2. Make sure you have all the ________ you’ll need before you dial.3. __________ a specific time for calls.4. Get rid of all ________, turn off the radio, television, etc.5. Listen carefully and confirm that you have understood each point. Don’t _______ you have understand when you haven’t.6. Let others speak and try to avoid _________.7. Speak slowly and _________; try to avoid speaking with a strong accent.8. Don’t _________! Whenever possible, use the optional choice method.9. Make sure you sound _________ and agreeable.10. Make sure you call is brief. Try to avoid ___________ calls.11. Don’t try to be funny –you may be ___________.12. Smile while you are talking. Your listener can “_________” you smile.