
地图是符号的颜色规定:蓝色用以表示人工地物和部分自然地物;黑色用以表示与水、冰雪有关的物体;棕色用以表示与植被有关的物体;绿色用以表示地貌与土质。( )

A. 对
B. 错


Our teachers took us on field trips to observe plants and animals.

A. trips to the farm
B. trips to the zoo
C. trips in real, natural environment

She crept from the bed in the dark and fumbled for her dressing gown.

A. reached for it in a hurry
B. reached for it in an uncertain way
C. reached for it in a clumsy way

Anticolonialism aimed at ending the subordination of people to colonial rule.

A. domination
B. dependence
C. surrender

The legs generate the power that's passed up to the hips, trunk, chest and arm.

A. main stem of a tree
B. long nose of an elephant
C. central part of the body
