
Why does the womancare much for the design of the inner packing?

A. Because one of the main functions of inner packing is to aid marketing, consumer advertising, display, presentation, etc.
Because the woman pays great attention to the appearance of commodities.
C. Because her client has special requirement for the design.
D. Because her commodities aim at high-end market.


Which one of the following statements about inner packing is true?

A. Protecting goods from damages and theft is one of the main functions of inner packing.
B. Inner packing is also designed to facilitate transport, loading, unloading and storage.
C. One of the main functions of inner packing is for the presentation of goods.
D. The other main function of inner packing is to satisfy the special requirement of local market.

According to the micro-course, which one of the following factors should NOT be taken into consideration when discussing packing?

A. The characteristics of the product itself.
B. The mode of payment.
C. Governmental or other regulations.
D. The measurement of the goods.

机床坐标系的原点称为( )。

A. 工件零点
B. 机械原点
C. 坐标零点
D. 初始零点

预防乙肝的最佳措施是( )

A. 对接触者医学观擦
B. 隔离病人
C. 注射乙肝免疫球蛋白
D. 接种乙肝疫苗
E. 防医源性传播
