A bachelor farmer began to call,ostensiblyto talk to her father, but really to see her.
A. obviously
B. seemingly
C. necessarily
Theyriggedtheir domestic markets in favor of local businesses.
A. protected
B. manipulated
C. destroyed
People who feel strongly about something are often media-savvy.
A. informed
B. ignorant
C. curious
A. 五等
B. 十等
C. 十一等
D. 二十等
下列关于元朝法律制度的表述, 正确的有()。
A. 元朝中央最高军事机关是宣政院
B. 元朝地方最高行政机关是行中书省
C. 元朝首次创立了以经义取士的科举考试方式
D. 科举考试中实行弥封糊名制