In the end, the conversations generated by asking hard questions can be some of the most valuable parts of your relationship.
Questions 13-22Section One (Questions 13-17)• You will hear five short recordings. The five speakers are explaining what their jobs involve.• For each recording, decide what the speaker's job is.• Write one letter (A-H) next to the number of the recording.• Do not use any letter more than once.• After you have listened once, replay each recording.1314151617A Finance ManagerB Payroll OfficerC Customer Services ManagerD IT Systems ManagerE Office ManagerF Personnel ManagerG Production SupervisorH Sales Representative
Section Two (Questions 18-22)• You will hear another five short recordings. Each speaker is describing a problem within a company.• For each recording, decide in which area there is a problem.• Write one letter (A-H) next to the number of the recording.• Do not use any letter more than once.• After you have listened once, replay each recording.1819202122A after-sales serviceB company structureC internal communicationsD public relationsE quality controlF sales targetsG staff absencesH turnover of staff
负有事故报告义务的主体有( )。
A. 事故发生现场人员
B. 事故单位负责人
C. 有关政府职能部门
D. 有关地方人民政府
事故发生单位负责人接到事故报告后,应当立即启动事故相应( ),或者采取有效措施,组织抢救,防止事故扩大,减少人员伤亡和财产损失。
A. 应急预案
B. 向上级报告
C. 抢救财产
D. 等待援助