

A. 分度圆与基圆
B. 分度圆与节圆
C. 节圆与基圆
D. 基圆与齿顶圆


When the CPU responds to the interrupt request of external interrupt 0 INT0, the content of program counter PC is().

A. 0003H
B. 000BH
C. 00013H
D. 001BH

When the CPU responds to the interrupt request of external interrupt 1 INT1, the content of program counter PC is().

A. 0003H
B. 000BH
C. 00013H
D. 001BH

In the same level, except for serial port, the lowest level interrupt source of MCS-51 single chip microcomputer is ().

A. External interrupt 1
B. Timer T0
C. Timer T1
D. Serial port

In the same level, except INT0, the interrupt source with the highest level is ().

A. External interrupt 1
B. Timer T0
C. Timer T1
D. External interrupt 0
