患者男性,38岁。高空作业时不慎坠落,当即昏迷,约20分后清醒,主诉头痛、恶心,双侧瞳孔等大、等圆,对光反射存在,肢体活动尚可。约2h后,患者再次意识障碍,呼吸12次/分,脉搏56次/分,血压150/70mmHg,右侧瞳孔散大,对光反射消失,左侧肢体偏瘫,腱反射亢进, Babinski征阳性。该患者主要的病变是
A. 左侧硬脑膜外血肿、颅内压增高
B. 右侧硬脑膜外血肿、颅内压增高、脑疝
C. 左侧硬脑膜下血肿、颅内压增高
D. 右侧硬脑膜下血肿、颅内压增高、脑疝
E. 脑内血肿、颅内压增高、脑疝
There are __ floors in this library.
A. five
B. six
C. seven
D. eight
A coffee bar belongs to __ .
A. relaxing area
B. circulation desk
C. events area
D. quiet studying area
The __ also needs booking in advance.
A. computer
B. printer
C. scanner
D. group study room
The first kind of course in Britain is __.
A. seminar
B. lecture
C. workshop
D. tutorial