函数定义:def fun_bmi(person,height,weight=65):bmi=weight/(height*height)print(bmi)在调用该函数时,以下哪句代码存在语法错误?
A. fun_bmi("张三“,1.70,60)
B. fun_bmi("张三“,60)
C. fun_bmi(height=1.70,person='路人',weight=60)
D. fun_bmi(1.70,'路人',60)
n. something that is done in advance in order to prevent problems or to avoid danger
A. profession
B. precaution
C. portrait
D. property
n. an amount of money paid regularly by a government or company to sb. who is considered to be too old or too ill/sick to work
A. plaster
B. protein
C. pension
D. quotation
n. the state of being poor; a lack of sth. ; poor quality
A. pleasure
B. poverty
C. property
D. prosperity