As an example, if the sales team is meeting revenue targets, but you’re hearing from topmanagement that __________, two things need to happen in that company.
A. sales are declining
B. sales are increasing
C. margins are declining
D. margins are increasing
Listen to the talk again and fill in the blanks below. (每一小题的答案写在一个空里用逗号隔开)1. During the day, a sales manager plays many roles—including ________,__________,___________, ___________, ___________.2. Try to clear all the unnecessary obstacles out of the salespersons’ way sothey can spend more time ________, ________, ___________________________, and _____________ which is what they are getting paid for in the first place.3. The standard things that are tracked all the time are ________ and________. But don’t just track the __________; everybody tracksrevenue.4. _______________, the company needs to discuss and understand whymargins are declining, and they need to _________________ or competeon a different playing field. But you, as the _______________, have to doyour part by __________________________ and thereby focus the salesteam’s attention on tracking and improving the margin number.
A. 伯胺
B. 仲胺
C. 叔胺
D. 季铵盐
A. 芳伯胺
B. 芳仲胺
C. 芳叔胺
D. 脂肪族仲胺
下列物质碱性由大到小的顺序为:A.苯胺 B.二甲胺 C.氨 D.甲胺