
听力原文:M Hi, I'm calling to get information about enrolling my dog in training school. I've had her for two months, and I'm having a hard time controlling her.
W O.K. What kind of dog is it, how old is she, and what would you like to teach her to do?
M She's a 1 -year old terrier mix. She's housebroken, but it's difficult to walk her on a leash. I'd also like to train her on eating habits and eventually teach her a few tricks.
W Let's sign you up for the basic course for new pet owners. The cost is $20 persession, and it'll last for two hours. We have an opening this Saturday at 2 p.m. Is that all right for you?
Where does the woman work?

At a veterinary clinic
B. At a pet grooming center
C. At a pet adoption center
D. At a dog training school


What claim is made about Yako Corporation?

A. It had revenues of over $45 billion.
B. It employs over 2,000 people worldwide.
C. It plans to lay off more than 200 workers.
D. It is the largest media corporation in North America.

What will probably be completed during the next three months?

A grant proposal
B. A new production process
C. A move to a new building
D. A strategic planning document

What is the main reason for woman's talk?

A. To describe her vision for the future
B. To announce a shift in business strategy
C. To explain why the budget has been increased
D. To express support for a proposed partnership


A. 希腊驻北京领事馆领事伊某在我国犯下强奸杀人之严重罪行,北京公检机关可以对其启动刑事诉讼程序
B. 我国驻韩国大使馆之外交人员杨某为了赚取金钱给其在纽约大学留学的儿子花费,在首尔市从事经营一家中国菜馆,并担任副总经理,杨某的行为违背了外交人员的国际法义务
C. 西班牙驻香港领事馆副领事杰某及其夫人爱某在香港可以免纳香港的地方性捐税,包括遗产税也不需要缴纳
D. 中国驻加拿大多伦多总领事馆的技术人员江某和多伦多当地电脑商斐罗斯电脑公司签订了一份50台办公电脑的买卖合同,在签订的时候,江某并没有明示或默示自己的派遣国(中国)代表身份,电脑完全交付以后,江某资金运转不灵,致迟迟未能履约,斐罗斯电脑公司对江某提起民事诉讼,江某不能享有管辖豁免
