

A. 依法登记,具有法人资格
B. 以发展公益事业为宗旨,且不以营利为目的
C. 全部资产及其增值为该法人所有
D. 收益和营运结余主要用于符合该法人设立目的的事业
E. 终止后的剩余财产不归属任何个人或者营利组织
F. 不经营与其设立.目的无关的业务
G. 有健全的财务会计制度
H. 捐赠者不以任何形式参与社会团体财产的分配



A. 和轮机长一起组织全船的消防检查工作
B. 定期讲解船舶各种消防设备的使用知识
C. 重视并督促甲板部船员的日常训练

Old men and women are hard to live with.

One of the main features of our human languages is arbitrariness. Can you briefly explain

Each of the following columns illustrates a different morphological process. Column I Column II Column III mouse/mice go/went record/record ride/rode is/was import/import take/ took good/better convict/convict man/men she/her imprint/im print eat/ate am/are dispute/dispute What morphological process is at work in each column? Describe in your own words the difference between the process exemplified in Column I and that in Column II. (3)Think of at least one more English example to add to each column.
