
某商城为增值税一般纳税人,2021 年 2 月发生以下业务:以旧换新销售 5 台电冰箱, 新电冰箱每台零售价 5000 元,旧电冰箱每台作价 350 元,每台电冰箱收取差价 4650 元;采取以旧换新方式向消费者销售金项链 2000 条,新项链每条零售价 0.25 万元,旧项链每条作价 0.22 万元,每条项链取得差价款 0.03 万元。则当月该商城以上业务的销项税额为( )万元。

A. 57.81
B. 7.17
C. 7.19
D. 57.79


The _________ is called the "backbone" of the engine.

A. camshaft
B. crankshaft
C. bearing
D. cylinder

The crankshaft is used to change the ____________ motion of the piston into __________ motion.

A. reciprocating, rotary
B. rotary, reciprocating
C. vertical, horizontal
D. horizontal, vertical

The flywheel on the crankshaft is made of ________.

A. high quality steel
B. high-strong steel
C. carbon steel
D. stainless steel

The flywheel on the crankshaft can absorbd some the energy during _________.

A. the intake stroke
B. the power stroke
C. the compression stroke
D. the exhaust stroke
