He's been on the computer all morning, ________ his friends.
A. chatting with
B. chated with
C. chewing with
D. chew 咀嚼with
You can buy our goods over the ________.
A. website
B. www
C. Interact交流
D. Internet
Watching television shows is useful for you to learn common language phrases and ________.
A. slow
B. slide
C. slangs俚语
D. sling
"dr. " is an ________for "doctor".
A. slang
B. acronym
C. abbreviation缩写
D. abbreviate
下列哪种是商品货币的例子( )。
A. 100元钞票
B. 在美国的某银行账户签发的支票
C. 用卡
D. 战俘集中营中的香烟