
When did Larry Drakes visit the store?

A. In the middle of November.
B. In early November.
C. In October



A. 聘请外国律师在境外进行诉讼或仲裁。由于外国律师对当地的诉讼或者仲裁程序更为熟悉,语言也没有障碍,聘请外国律师作代理人能取得更好的法律效果
B. 在大型的国际合作项目中,企业可以聘请外国律师担任项目律师,为项目的运作提供全面、专业的法律服务
C. 企业在从事国际贸易、境外投资等跨国业务时,会遇到适用外国法律的问题,这时就需要聘请外国的律师就专门的法律问题提供法律意见
D. 因是外资企业,所以聘用外国律师更放心
E. 外国律师可以帮助企业提高影响和身价

Below is a double-tiered cardboard configuration that is closed. (The configuration is shown here as transparent for easier viewing. )
Which one of the following choices is a valid depiction of this configuration if it were to be "disassembled" enough to lie flat?

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4


A. 马上
B. 刚刚
C. 临时
D. 突然

A.Take it to class.B.Put it in her collection.C.Take it to tile lab.D.Leave it with he

A. Take it to class.
B. Put it in her collection.
C. Take it to tile lab.
D. Leave it with her professor.
