
Bells can be put around the necks of different people.

A. 真
B. False


What do the owners of the three companies have in common?

A. They are all relatively old and rich.
B. They are all relatively young and rich. And they became rich by doing something that no other people had done before.
C. It cannot be concluded from the conversation.


A. Fortunately
B. Comparatively
D. Conversely

According to the author, eyewitness testimony is______.

A. always a reliable evidence
B. the most convincing evidence
C. sometimes a distortion of people's perception
D. a simple recording of visual input

What purpose does this passage possibly serve?

A company introduction to its employees.
B. A market analysis for a specific industry to inform. a client.
C. An annual report of a company to direct its future decision.
D. A marketing strategy proposal for discussion.
