
[A] looked up to
[B] looked forward
[C] looked into
[D] looked upon


Which of the following is NOT clearly mentioned in this advertisement?
[A] The way how you will get your degree.
[B] Tuition price.
[C] The hot fields you will be preparing yourself for.
[D] The length of time it will take you to get a degree.

[A] crowded
[B] satisfied
[C] busy
[D] confused

If Tim keeps working hard like this, he'll______sooner or later.
[A] break down
[B] give up
[C] get down
[D] hold on

毫无疑问,在今日武断批判中医的人中,不乏以“科学”代言人自居者,将各种自己不懂的知识系统一棍子打死,归入_________。这种态度不能不使人怀疑其言论与知识的讨论无关,另有用意。不过,在抗拒这种学霸的同时,我们也不必非要陷入相反的,_________。坦率地说,身为一个“中医”,我以为目前的中医面对的最大危机不是外来的,而是内在的。中医落到今天这个地步,一定程度上可谓是_________。填入划横线部分最恰当的一项是()。A.邪说 境地 罪有应得B.异端 泥淖 咎由自取C.异己 泥潭 责无旁贷D.异类 困境 作茧自缚
