根据以下内容,回答下列各题 王强和李丽于2010年2月登记结婚,之后一直租房居住。同年10月,王父母出资购买80平米住房一处,登记于王某名下,遂作为二人住所。同年12月,王强使用夫妻共同财产购买15平米旧筒子楼一间,用于出租。2011年4月,李丽产下一女。同年8月,李丽再次怀孕。因为工作关系,李丽在明知王强全家都极其渴望男孩的情况下,独自去医院终止了妊娠。王强愤而提出协议离婚。李丽同意,并约定离婚时对王某名下的80平米住房进行分割,一人一半。后李丽反悔。于是王强向法院起诉离婚,并声称其女并非亲生,要求做亲子鉴定,解除亲子关系,李丽不同意。据查,2012年2月,王强未经李丽同意,将筒子楼按市价出售给邻居赵超,所得款项被投入股市,亏损过半。 在本案中,哪种情况下可以解除王某与其女的亲子关系()。
A. 王强和李丽通过协议方式即可解除
B. 李丽拒绝亲子鉴定,并提供了相反证据
C. 李丽拒绝亲子鉴定,但未提供相反证据
D. 经过亲子鉴定,证实王强之女为其亲生
3.住房公积金、养老金、医疗保险金和失业保险金分别为税前收入的7%,8%,2%, 1%,“四金”允许税前扣除。
A. 5059.12
B. 5109.21
C. 5129.12
D. 5215.21
Two divergent definitions have dominated sociologists’
discussions of the nature of ethnicity. The first emphasizes
the primordial and unchanging character of ethnicity. In
this view, people have an essential need for belonging that
(5) is satisfied by membership in groups based on shared
ancestry and culture. A different conception of ethnicity
de-emphasizes the cultural component and defines ethnic
groups as interest groups. In this view, ethnicity serves as
a way of mobilizing a certain population behind issues
(10) relating to its economic position. While both of these
definitions are useful, neither fully captures the dynamic
and changing aspects of ethnicity in the United States.
Rather, ethnicity is more satisfactorily conceived of as a
process in which preexisting communal bonds and common
(15) cultural attributes are adapted for instrumental purposes
according to changing real-life situations.
One example of this process is the rise of participation
by Native American people in the broader United States
political system since the Civil Rights movement of the
(20)1960’s. Besides leading Native Americans to participate
more actively in politics (the number of Native American
legislative officeholders more than doubled), this movement
also evoked increased interest in tribal history and traditional
culture. Cultural and instrumental components of
(25 )ethnicity are not mutually exclusive, but rather reinforce
one another.
The Civil Rights movement also brought changes in the
uses to which ethnicity was put by Mexican American
people. In the 1960’s, Mexican Americans formed
(30) community-based political groups that emphasized ancestral
heritage as a way of mobilizing constituents. Such emerg-
ing issues as immigration and voting rights gave Mexican
American advocacy groups the means by which to promote
ethnic solidarity. Like European ethnic groups in the
(35) nineteenth-century United States, late-twentieth-century
Mexican American leaders combined ethnic with contem-
porary civic symbols. In 1968 Henry Censors, then mayor
of San Antonio, Texas, cited Mexican leader Benito Juarez
as a model for Mexican Americans in their fight for con-
(40) temporary civil rights. And every year, Mexican Americans
celebrate Cinco de Mayo as fervently as many Irish
American people embrace St. Patrick’s Day (both are major
holidays in the countries of origin), with both holidays
having been reinvented in the context of the United States
and linked to ideals, symbols, and heroes of the United
Which of the following best states the main idea of the passage?
A. In their definitions of the nature of ethnicity, sociologists have underestimated the power of the primordial human need to belong.
B. Ethnicity is best defined as a dynamic process that combines cultural components with shared political and economic interests.
C. In the United States in the twentieth century, ethnic groups have begun to organize in order to further their political and economic interests.
D. Ethnicity in the United States has been significantly changed by the Civil Rights movement.
E. The two definitions of ethnicity that have dominated sociologists discussions are incompatible and should be replaced by an entirely new approach.
A. 1年
B. 2年
C. 3年
D. 4年
E. 5年