

A. 18-to 24-year-olds.
B. 35- to 44- year-olds.
C. 45- to 54- year-olds.
D. 55- to 64-year-olds.



A. Women are less likely to know their neighbors than men.
B. The rich are not as close to their neighbors as the less well-off.
C. Women are more likely to know their neighbors than men.
D. The rich know their neighbors as well as the less well-off.


A. We can get on well with our neighbors if we try.
B. It is easy to know our neighbors when they are in an emergency.
C. We need to give a hand to our neighbors when necessary.
D. It is hard to get to know our neighbors.


A. 加剧社会资源在两性之间分配不均
B. 导致女性的发展滞后于男性
C. 影响婚姻家庭关系的稳定
D. 有利于和谐社的构建


A. 使女性在就业和事业发展中比男性面临更多困难
B. 给女性的家庭生活造成压力
C. 角色冲突影响家庭生育决策
D. 有利于女性职业生涯的发展
