
When did the major quantitative and qualitative leap occur()

A. When work PCs were connected to each other via Local Area Networks (LANs)
B. When work PCs were connected to each other via Internet
C. When people showed their interest in work PCs
D. When more and more businessmen noticed the potential market for work PCs


What is the significance of WWW()

A. It was not a data sharing space for scientists anymore. It is an entire network of information that is accessible for anyone with Internet connection
B. It helps us to receive emails
C. It helps us to make video calls
D. It helps us to shop online

What are we probably going to see and maybe already are experiencing()

A new phase in the evolution of Information Technology
B. A new direction of the development of IT
C. A new quantitative and qualitative leap in the growth of data
D. A new attitude towards life

In this video, what does it says about computer to the Allies’ victory()

A. It had a significant contribution to the Allies’ victory
B. Without it, the War would go on for years
C. It protected people from being killed
D. It killed enemies through sending the wrong messages

What are the technology-intense occupations on the periphery()

A. Technical sales
B. Health information technicians
C. Implementation and consulting service
D. Automated manufacturing computer operators
