
Which concept is not about the Smart Earth()

A. digital earth
B. internet of things
C. cloud computing
D. Mars exploration


Which one is not the requirements of constructing geospatial information engineering()

A. The carrier is digital
B. The information is isolated
C. The decision-making is intelligent
D. The transmission is real-time

Which one is not a common technology of Geospatial Information Engineering()

A. geospatial data infrastructure
B. art design
C. high performance computing
D. virtual reality technology


A. se lever
B. se coucher
C. coucher
D. lever
E. se laver
F. laver
G. se présenter

Which one is not the character of digital information()

A. It takes up a small space
B. It is comprehensive and integrated
C. It is hard to transmit and share
D. It is convenient for analysis and application
