
Driven by a vision of a city built for people, not cars, in 1998 the city's reformist mayor, Enrique Penalosa, began a massive urban renewal campaign.

A. Enrique Penalosa, of who the city's reformist mayor
B. Enrique Penalosa, who is the city's reformist mayor
C. Enrique Penalosa, whom is the city's reformist mayor
D. Enrique Penalosa, of whom the city's reformist mayor


By using special lanes reserved exclusively for high-capacity buses, cities can mimic the speed and capacity of subways, but at a fraction of the cost.

A. which are reserved exclusively
B. where are reserved exclusively
C. which is reserved exclusively
D. where is reserved exclusively

But by changing the way that cities grow and function, cities can foster higher-density neighborhoods, and bring shops and offices closer to residential areas.

A. from that
B. from which
C. in that
D. in which

Even crime, a previously constant scourge in the capital, responded to the reforms, falling 35 percent.

A. what is a previously constant scourge
B. where is a previously constant scourge
C. which is a previously constant scourge
D. when is a previously constant scourge

Like public transit, these “non-motorized” modes of transport get people out of cars, increasing energy efficiency and reducing air pollution.

A. and consequently increase energy efficiency and reduce air pollution
B. and therefore increases energy efficiency and reduces air pollution
C. and that increases energy efficiency and reduces air pollution
D. and thus increased energy efficiency and reduced air pollution
