
铆钉有半圆头铆钉、平头铆钉和抽心铆钉等, 用于金属板材与材料, 风管和部件之间的连接。垫圈有平垫圈和弹簧垫圈, 用于保护连接件表面免遭螺母擦伤, 防止连接件( )。

A. 紧固
B. 防潮
C. 严密
D. 松动


【单选题】Which is the largest organ of human body?

A. stomach
B. skin
C. rectum
D. heart

【单选题】Which one of the following is NOT a function of skin?

A. protection
B. regulation
C. sensation
D. ventilation

【单选题】Which one of the followings is NOT a natural solution of hives?

A. acupuncture
B. oatmeal bath
C. coconut oil
D. aloe vera lotion

【多选题】Which of the following can manage symptoms of hives?

A. fish oil
B. Vitamin B12 and C
C. Vitamin D
D. peanuts
