“I ’ll be with you in a moment”的中文译法是“()”。
A. 我马上出去
B. 我马上到
C. 我马上回家
D. 我马上帮你
A. 摆件的布置要大兼小,高兼低,相互衬托,相映成趣,轻重均匀
B. 摆件的布置应颜色深浅一样摆放在一起
C. 对称的摆件要求观感上轻重均匀,使人产生匀称的感觉
D. 摆件于墙饰布置要协调
Inflection means forming a new word by adding an element such as an affix. ()
Linguistic competence refers to the ability based on the acquisition of the system of
The meaning of a sentence is a simple concatenation of individual lexical meanings of