

A. 1/4
B. 1/2
C. 1
D. 2




A. 李某曾在动物医疗过程中违反兽药管理条例规定被吊销兽医执业证书近2个月
B. 大杨因违反执业兽医师管理办法相关规定被吊销兽医执业证书6个月
C. 小唐最近经医院查出患有人畜共患的结核病正在医治中
D. 小吴经医院检查患的是某种国家规定不得从事动物诊疗活动的人畜共患的传染病
E. 小刘畜牧兽医专业本科毕业后,一直在某宠物诊所当宠物医生,去年获当地兽医主管机关表彰


A. 警告或者严重警告;
B. 撤销党内职务或者留党察看;
C. 开除党籍。

SMALL TALK BEFORE A MEETING This is a situation you’ve probably experienced many times: you arrive for a meeting ten minutes early. There are several people already there. You say hello and then … What do you talk about What do you say In this situation, you need to be able to make small talk. Small talk is an informal conversation. We use the term “small talk” because it is not about exchanging information or making decisions or having a serious discussion. It’s a way to avoid uncomfortable silences and build stronger relationships. Small talk might seem to be about nothing important, but it is important in itself. Being able to make small talk will allow you to make yourself part of a group. It will set the stage for more serious types of communication.
1.Small talk is a kind of formal dialog.()
2.The term “small talk” means there are only two persons in the dialog.()
3.Small talk is a useful ice-breaker and can build stronger relationships.()
4.Small talk is not at all important. ()
5.Making small talk will allow you to be a member of a group.()
