
听力原文:M: So Rebecca, what did you do for spring break?
W: I went to southern California. I was in Los Angeles and San Diego. Oh, and I stopped in San Juan Capistrano. That's south of Los Angeles and north of San Diego. I happened to be there just about the time the swallows returned.
M: Oh, I've heard about that--they always return on the same day, don't they?
W: That's right, on March 19th. And they always fly away on the same day, October 23rd. In the meantime, they migrate over 7,000 miles to get to their winter home.
M: Seven thousand miles--imagine! And always coming back on the same day!
W: Yes, except for one year, a long time ago--they were delayed for a day bya storm at sea.
M: You sure were lucky to be there on the one day of the year when the swallows return.
W: Well, I wasn't there exactly on that day. I got to town a couple of days later--but I did see the parade celebrating the swallows' return.
M: They have a parade? The people there must really like those swallows.
W: Sure--they bring lots of tourists to town, and besides, the swallows eat insects, including mosquitoes.
Where is the town of San Juan Capistrano?

A. North of Los Angeles.
Between Los Angeles and San Diego.
C. East of San Diego.
D. Los Angeles.



A. ≥临界量
B. >30t
C. >40t
D. ≥上限


A. 合理合法地控制、降低增值额
B. 利用税收优惠
C. 控制收入
D. 减少支出


A. 信息网络系统
B. 信息传递系统
C. 热线电话
D. 信访系统


A. 企业重大经营决策是指企业针对经营活动中的重大问题,按规定的权限和程序所进行的决策
B. 按决策目的不同,可分为单一目标决策和多目标决策,如企业进行资产重组、股份制改造后发行股票并上市就是多目标决策,而其中公司总股本及上市筹资的数额的确定就属于单一目标决策
C. 法律意见书是指企业法律顾问在参与企业重大经营决策过程中,就决策对象的有关问题,以书面形式正式向企业领导提出意见和方案的文书
D. 在国外投资与外商开发新产品的决策属于确定情况下的决策
