Click the Exhibit button and examine the diagram, which illustrates the components performing tasks within an Oracle Shared Sever environment. Which task is being performed by component 4?()
A. The PMON process registers the request in the response queue.
B. A shared sever places the process request in the response queue.
C. A request within the request queue is processed by an idle shared server process.
D. A dispatcher assigns a request from the request queue to and idle shared server process.
A. 辛寒清气泻火
B. 苦寒直折火热
C. 甘寒清热育阴
D. 甘温益气除热
E. 辛凉解表透热
患者男性,69岁,因“进行性排尿困难2年,加重伴尿痛1天”就诊。患者无发热及腰痛。既往体健。查体:双肾区叩痛(-),直肠指诊(DRE)未及质硬结节。 下一步的处理方案为()【提示】患者口服喹诺酮类抗生素治疗1周。服药2周后复查尿常规(-),血清总PSA为9.1μg/L,游离PSA/总PSA=0.12;服药4周后再次复查尿常规(-),血清总PSA为9.3μg/L,游离PSA/总PSA=0.12。
A. 继续服用抗生素,4周后再次复查PSA
B. 给予非那雄胺片5mg,口服,1次/d,连用3个月后复查PSA
C. 给予盐酸坦索罗新缓释胶囊0.2mg,口服,1次/晚,连用3个月后复查PSA
D. 前列腺穿刺
E. 盆腔增强CT
F. 尿流动力学检查
存款合同必须是在储户将款项交付给银行经确认并出具存款凭证后才成立,这说明存款合同是一种( )。
A. 格式合同
B. 行为合同
C. 实践合同
D. 若成合同