

A. 经济发展重心转移
B. 大范围拆迁
C. 保证人还款意愿下降
D. 保证人经济实力下降或信用状况恶化



A. 凝血功能
B. 补液速度
C. 腹腔引流液
D. 皮肤温度
E. 呼吸频率


A. 急性中毒均由呼吸道吸入所致
B. 硫化氢是具有刺激性的有害气体
C. 硫化氢是具有窒息性的有害气体
D. 接触低浓度仅有呼吸道及眼的局部刺激症状
E. 高浓度时全身作用较明显
F. 重度中毒时,可有抽搐和昏迷间断发作

You work in a company which uses SQL Server 2008. You are the administrator of the company database. Now you are in charge of a SQL Server 2008 instance. The instance has databases for a finance application and a manufacturing application. You want to put some limitation on the maximum CPU query time allowed by the applications, so you configure the Resource Governor to achieve this. But you notice that certain reports do not execute successfully any longer on the manufacturing application. You have to allow the manufacturing application to consume more CPU time, so you have to change the Resource Governor configuration. Which Resource Governor component should you configure?()

A. The workload group which is used by default
B. The workload group which is used by the finance application
C. The classifier function which identifies the finance application
D. The workload group which is used by the manufacturing application&e


A. 输卵管妊娠流产
B. 输卵管间质部妊娠破裂
C. 急性阑尾炎
D. 急性输卵管炎
E. 右侧卵巢肿瘤蒂扭转
