A. 行政机关申请人民法院强制执 行前无须经过催告程序
B. 行政机关作出强制执行决定前 ,应当催告当事人履行义务
C. 行政机关送达当事人的书面催 告书应载明履行义务的期限、 方式
D. 催告书应当载明当事人依法享 有的陈述权和申辩权
A. 线路短路跳闸;
B. 外护层击穿;
C. 保护器损坏;
D. 环流增大。
A. 有关政府机关
B. 有关安全生产管理部门
C. 有关企业管理机构
D. 有关协会组织
An RMAN backup job fails, displaying the following error: ORA19809: limit exceeded for recovery files Your analysis shows that the Flash Recovery area is full. Which two actions could you take to resolve the error and avoid this error in future?()
A. take the backup of the flash recovery area less frequently
B. increase the value of the UNDO_RETENTION initialization parameter
C. change the value of the WORKAREA_SIZE_POLICY initialization parameter to AUTO
D. change the backup retention policy to retain the backups for a smaller period of time
E. increase the value of the DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST_SIZE initialization parameter
F. increase the value of the CONTROL_FILE_RECORD_KEEP_TIME initialization parameter