




【背景资料】某工程位于某市的东二环和三环之间,建筑面积4万余m2,由30层塔楼及裙房组成,箱形基础,地下3层,基础埋深为12.8m。该业主在裙房施工竣工后,具备使用功能,就计划先投入使用,主体结构由市建筑公司施工,混凝土基础工程则分包给某专业基础公司组织施工,装饰装修工程分包给市建筑公司施工。其中基础工程则分包于2008年8月开工建设,同年10月基础完工。混凝土强度等级C35级,在施工过程中,发现部分试块混凝土强度达不到设计要求,但对实际强度经测试论证,能够达到设计要求。主体和装修于2008年12月工程竣工。 请根据上述背景资料完成以下选项基础分部工程质量应由()组织施工项目经理和有关勘察、设计单位项目负责人进行验收。

A. 监理工程师
B. 总监理工程师
C. 监理员
D. 监理人员

You use a Windows 2000 Professional computer at home. You need to access shared files on a server named server1. This server is on your company’s network and is not accessible from the internet. Your company’s network also includes a third party VPN server that is accessible from the internet. You dial in to your internet service provider and then create a VPN connection to your company’s VPN server. After the connection is successfully established, you run the net view\\server1 command and receive the following error ‘the server is inaccessible or could not be found’. You need to access the shared files on server 1. What should you do? ()

A. Stop and then start the TCP/IP NetBIOS helper service on your computer.
B. Stop and then start the DNS client service on your computer.
C. Add a HOSTS entry for server1 to your computer.
D. Add a LMHOSTS entry for server1 to your computer.
