A. 同意不符合培训条件的单位开展继续教育培训工作的
B. 不履行应承担的工作,造成继续教育工作开展不力的
C. 利用职务上的便利,收受他人财物或者其他好处的
D. 不履行监督管理职责或者监督不力,造成严重后果的
E. 直接从事讲课活动的
You created a view called EMP_DEPT_VU that contains three columns from the EMPLOYEES and DEPARTMENTS tables: EMPLOYEE_ID, EMPLOYEE_NAME AND DEPARTMENT_NAME. The DEPARTMENT_ID column of the EMPLOYEES table is the foreign key to the primary key DEPARTMENT_ID column of the DEPARTMENTS table. You want to modify the view by adding a fourth column, MANAGER_ID of NUMBER data type from the EMPLOYEES tables. How can you accomplish this task? ()
ALTER VIEW EMP_dept_vu (ADD manger_id NUMBER);
B. MODIFY VIEW EMP_dept_vu (ADD manger_id NUMBER);
C. ALTER VIEW emp_dept_vu AS SELECT employee_id, employee_name, department_name, manager_id FROM employee e, departments d WHERE e.department _ id = d.department_id;
D. MODIFY VIEW emp_dept_vu AS SELECT employee_id, employee_name, department_name, manager_id FROM employees e, departments d WHERE e.department _ id = d.department_id;
E. CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW emp_dept_vu AS SELECT employee_id, employee_name, department_name, manager_id FROM employees e, departments d WHERE e.department _ id = d.department_id;
F. You must remove the existing view first, and then run the CREATE VIEW command with a new column list to modify a view.