A. 从数据库中收取记录样本并与相关文件进行核对
B. 向目前的系统中输入一组测试业务,并将结果与预期结果相核对
C. 通过测试程序模拟正常业务处理过程
D. 使用程序来追踪程序指令在系统中如何以及以何种顺序进行处理
For some people, it would be unthinkable. But Gabe Henderson is finding freedom in a recent decision; he canceled his MySpace account. The 26 years old graduate student stopped his account after realizing that a lot of his online friends were really just acquaintances. ―The superficial emptiness clouded the excitement I had once felt,‖ Henderson wrote in an article. ―It seems we have lost, to some degree, the special depth that true friendship is about.‖ Journalism professor Michael Bugeja, who is a strong supporter of face-to-face communication, read Henderson’s column and saw it was a sign of hope. Though he’s not anti-technology, Bugeja often lectures students about ―interpersonal intelligence‖ —knowing when, where, and for what purpose technology is most appropriate. He points out the students he’s seen walking across campus, holding hands with each other while talking on cell phones to someone else He’s also seen them in coffee shops, surrounded by people, but staring instead at a computer screen. ―True friends,‖ he says, ―need to learn when to stop blogging and go across campus to help a friend.‖ These days, young people are more wired than ever—but they’re also getting more worried. Increasingly, they’ve had to deal with online bullies, who are posting anything from embarrassing photos to online threats. And increasingly, young people also are realizing that things they post on their profiles can come back to hurt them when applying for schools or jobs. Social networking can be an ―extremely effective‖ way to publicize events to large groups. It can even help build a sense of community on campus. People joined Facebook as a way to meet others. However, it has limitations. A good Internet profile could make even the most boring person seem some what interesting. People are also not always happy with text messages on the cell phones. Cell phones can be a quick way to say ―have a good day‖. But friends can also cancel a night out with a text message to avoid having to explain. ―Our generation needs to get over this fear of confrontation and rejection.‖ Henderson says. ―The focus needs to be on quality communication, in all ways.‖ Back in his life, Henderson is enjoying spending more face-to-face time with his friends and less with his computer. He says his decision to quit his social-networking Internet accounts was a good one. ―I’m not sacrificing friends,‖ he says, ―because if a picture, some basic information about their life and a Web page is all my friendship has become, then there was nothing to sacrifice to begin with.‖ Questions 1—3 Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F) according to the passage. 1、 Although Henderson quit MySpace, most of his online friends are actually close friends. 2、 According to Bugeja, young people should know when to use technology and when to stop using it. 3、 Social networking helps build a sense of community but has a negative effect on young people’s life if it is used inappropriately. Questions 4—5 Answer the following questions briefly according to the passage. 4、 What does Henderson lose by using social networking websites like Myspace? 5、 What do young people need to overcome in order to focus on quality communication?