(该知识点 2015 年教材进行重新表述)许多汽车制造商都在设计旨在满足所有客户需 求的电动车,而 A 国 M 公司独辟蹊径,决定按照消费者特定的使用车辆的方式定制生产电动 车。该公司将使用车辆的方式分为在城里驾车与通勤,这一市场细分方法可以根据消费者的 具体需求,匹配车辆的电池蓄能要求,让消费者无须购买比他们实际需求更大的车辆与电池, M 公司这一战略决策的依据是对电动车市场的()。
A. 人口细分
B. 应用细分
C. 购买细分
D. 价值细分
A Letter to the Sole Supplier
Dear Supplier,
41. for the raw materials we are buying from you. It is much more higher than what we
42. can afford it. Besides, we find it hard to explain the increased prices to our customers.
43. I believe you won't be feel happy if your price increase puts our organisation out
44. of business and thus deprives you of an important customer.
45. We continue to feel that your supply would interest our customers, but we would
46. like to ask you to consider on making a concession in price to make this possible. To
47. meet the demands of our budget, we are able to accept a price increase of no more
48. than 5%. However, if you insist on your rate of increase number, we are going to put
49. extraordinary efforts into finding alternatives to you. In some other words,
50. your currently short-term profit will harm our long-term relationship.
51. I hope you understand our position and that you will consider accepting our proposal.
52. Thank you for considering on my request. I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully,