国内A贸易公司出口货物,并通过B货代公司向某国外班轮公司C订舱出运货物。货装船后,C公司向A公司签发一式三份记名提单。货到目的港口,记名提单上的收货人在未取得正本提单的情况下,从C公司手中提走全部货物。A公司以承运人无单放货为由,在国内起诉C公司。(提单上注明适用美国法律。在美国,承运人向记名提单的记名收货人交付货物时,不负有要求记名收货人出示或提交记名提单的义务) 请根据题意分析并回答: (1)本案适用何国法律?为什么? (2)承运人是否承担无单放货责任?为什么?(请根据《中华人民共和国海商法》和美国法分别阐述)
If a credit requires presentation of a transport document covering transportation utilizing at least two modes of transport,and if the transport document clearly shows that it covers a shipment from the place of taking in charge and/or port,airport or place of loading to the place of final destination mentioned in the credit,UCP Article 26 is applicable.In such circumstances,a multi—modal transport document must not indicate that shipment or dispatch has been effected by only one mode of transport, but it may be silent regarding the modes of transport utilized.
A. 红小辫
B. 沙皮
C. 乌鸦头
D. 朱砂点
E. 枫勾
original bills of lading must bear a signature in the form. described in UCP600 and the name of the carrier must appear on the face of the bill of lading,identified as the carrier. If an agent signs a bill of lading on behalf of a carrier,the agent must be identified as agent,and must identify the carrier on whose behalf it is signing,unless the carrier has been identified elsewhere on the face of the bill of lading. If the master(captain)signs the bill of lading,the signature of the master(captain)must be identified as“master”(“captain”).In this event,the name of the master(captain)need not be stated. If an agent signs the bill of lading on behalf of the master(captain).The agent must be identified as agent and the name of the master(captain)on whose behalf it is signing must be stated.
A. 鼻嗅法
B. 推灰
C. 水试法
D. 摇听法
E. 火试法