
Which of the following, if true, would provide most support for concluding from the survey

A. Changes in the level of drug use by high school seniors are seldom matched by changes in the level of drug use by other people below the age of 20.
B. In the past, high school seniors were consistently the population group most likely to use illegal drugs and most likely to use them heavily.
C. The percentage of high school seniors who use illegal drugs is consistently very similar to the percentage of all people below the age of 20 who use illegal drugs.
D. The decline revealed by the surveys is the result of drug education programs specifically targeted at those below the age of 20.
E. The number of those surveyed who admit to having sold illegal drugs has declined even faster than has the number who have used drugs.


In Argonia the average rate drivers pay for car accident insurance is regulated to allow insurance companies to make a reasonable profit. Under the regulations, the rate any individual driver pays never depends on the actual distance driven by that driver each year. Therefore, Argonians who drive less than average partially subsidize the insurance of those who drive more than average. The conclusion above would be properly drawn if it were also true that in Argonia

A. the average accident insurance rate for all drivers rises whenever a substantial number of new drivers buy insurance.
B. the average cost to insurance companies of insuring drivers who drive less than the annual average is less than the average cost of insuring drivers who drive more than the annual average.
C. the lower the age of a driver, the higher the insurance rate paid by that driver.
D. insurance company profits would rise substantially if drivers were classified in terms of the actual number of miles they drive each year.
E. drivers who have caused insurance companies to pay costly claims generally pay insurance rates that are equal to or lower than those paid by other drivers.

假设发现某微机的硬盘感染了病毒,现有 1张含有杀病毒软件的系统盘-软盘,在下面列出的不同操作方法中,较为有效的清除病毒的方法是()。

A. 不关机直接运行软盘中的杀病毒软件
B. 用硬盘重新自举后运行软盘中的杀病毒软件
C. 用含有杀病毒软件的系统盘重新自举后,再运行软盘中的杀病毒软件
D. 以上三者均可

(一)美国1977年有关信息化指数的个别指数分别是:人均年使用函件数434,人均年通话次数325,每百人年报纸期分数64,每万人书籍销售点数为15%,每平方公里人口数9,电话普及率655,电视机普及率317,每万人计算机台数1576,个人消费中杂费所占百分比162,第三产业占总就业人口百分数149,每百人在校大学生人数460。 美国1977年的信息量指数为_______。

A. 98
B. 128
C. 168
D. 198


A. 计算机病毒一般由感染模块,触发模块,破坏模块和引导模块组成
B. 计算机病毒对人体没有任何影响
C. 计算机病毒没有复制能力
D. 计算机病毒具有破坏性,传染性,隐蔽性,潜伏性
