A. 1%~2%苯酚甘油
B. 1%~2%水杨酸乙醇滴耳液
C. 3%~5%碳酸氢钠滴耳液
D. 3%林可霉素滴耳液
When you are writing letters of sympathy or condolence, you should pay attention to________.
A. writing as promptly as possible
B. being brief
C. expressing your affection and compassion for the recipient
D. not comparing the recipient’s misfortunate experience to someone else’s
A. 梁启超
B. 孙中山
C. 章太炎
D. 黄兴
A. 西安事变和平解决
B. 制宪国民大会
C. 重庆政协会议
D. 重庆谈判