
Queen Elizabeth II is always represented in Parliament by a symbol of her authority. This symbol is

A. the crown
B. her picture
C. the mace
D. her throne


Three of these cultural values are important British values which are taught to children in schools. One iof them s NOT a British value. Mark the FALSE one.

A. Democracy
B. Individual rights
C. The right to disobey an unpopular law
D. Toleration and respect for those who differ

At its largest size, the British Empire ruled over almost ____ of the world's land area.

A. 10%
B. 25%
C. 33%
D. 50%


A. 初始级
B. 阶段定义级
C. 集成级
D. 管理和度量级


A. 软件能力成熟度模型
B. 软件能力成熟度模型集成
C. 软件测试成熟度模型
D. 软件测试成熟度模型集成
