The tropical boxfish, roughly the shape of a box, looks like it would have trouble moving through the water1 boxfish is, in fact, an excellent swimmer that cuts through the water extremely smoothly. It is such a good swimmer that engineers at Mercedes Technology Center in Sindelfingen, Germany, had a remarkable 2to use the boxfish to design the shape of a car that can cut through air as efficiently as the boxfish moves through water.A model of the boxfish was created for them by Ronald Fricke at the Rosenstein Museum in Stuttgart, Germany. The model was placed inside a wind tunnel a(n) 3 that is used to study how air moves around solid objects. The boxfish shape reportedly performed over 65 percent better than today's compact cars It should be possible to 4 that efficient shape for use in the body of a car to reduce its air resistance. Less air resistance means less fuel is required to run it.Engineers set to work to try to solve the 5 of how his unlikely shape could be so efficient. Their efforts were successful, and the car they created is the Mercedes Bionic concept car. However,the car is currently just for testing and not for sale.