Try to fill in the following blanks with proper Coordination Conjunctions, Conjunctive Adverb,Correlative Conjunctions or a Semicolon (;). (but, so, however, ; ,and )He found a shady spot under a tree he stretched out next to the trunk and fell asleep.
Try to fill in the following blanks with proper Coordination Conjunctions, Conjunctive Adverb,Correlative Conjunctions or a Semicolon (;). (but, so, however, Semicolon (;) ,and )Both central localinitiativeshouldbebroughtintoplay.
Try to fill in the following blanks with proper Coordination Conjunctions, Conjunctive Adverb,Correlative Conjunctions or a Semicolon (;). (but, so, however, Semicolon (;) ,and )Everyone in the town knew him, we had no trouble finding his house.
Try to fill in the following blanks with proper Coordination Conjunctions, Conjunctive Adverb,Correlative Conjunctions or a Semicolon (;). (but, so, however, Semicolon (;) ,and )The book will not turn you into a great writer, it will help you to master the basics of writing.
Try to fill in the following blanks with proper Coordination Conjunctions, Conjunctive Adverb,Correlative Conjunctions or a Semicolon (;). (but, so, however, Semicolon (;) ,and )We all tried our best; , we lost the game.