A. “卡达号”悬挂甲国国旗,其在公海上航行时由于船长关某玩忽职守,使“卡达号”撞向K国一行驶中的商船,造成商船上3名K国国籍水手死亡,则K国可以对关某行使刑事管辖权
B. 国军官廖某为牟取暴利,伙同部分属下驾驶军舰“飞鱼号:从部队逃逸到公海上从事海盗行为,由于廖某及其属下为乙国军队人员,并且从事海盗行为的“飞鱼号”是乙国军舰,所以只有乙国可以对廖某及其属下的上述行为行使管辖权并扣押“飞鱼号”
C. 丙国怀疑在公海上行驶的某外国商船“来福号”涉嫌贩卖毒品,可以派军舰对其行使临检权
D. 停靠在丁国的S国船只“科特号”对丁国的港口造成了严重污染,在拒绝赔偿后,“科特号”驶离丁国港口向公海航行,丁国可以根据普遍性管辖权原则对其行使紧追权
It can be inferred from the passage that
A. the failure of credit card providers is caused by the bursting of technology bubble.
B. the politicians and the media play a negative part in promoting credit industry.
C. higher national interest rate increases sub-prime lenders' risks of not being repaid.
D. credit industry has a better chance of development when the economy slows down.
A. 持有到期收益率=(卖出价格-买入价格+现金分配)÷卖出价格×100%
B. 持有到期收益率=(买入价格-卖出价格+现金分配)÷买入价格×100%
C. 持有到期收益率=(卖出价格-买入价格+现金分配)÷买入价格×100%
D. 持有到期收益率=(买入价格-卖出价格+现金分配)÷卖出价格×100%
Science and society are ...... collaborators: In the best of worlds we may achieve a very
A. symbiotic ... destruction of
B. antagonistic ... amelioration of
C. trustworthy ... exploitation of
D. uneasy ... annihilation of
E. parasitic ... indifference to
A. 正确
B. 错误