_____ is an example that describes an imaginary orfictitioussituation()
Ahypothetical example
B. An extended example
C. A brief example
Mr. Roosevelt was a very ethical speakerbecause_()
A. he was paralyzed
B. he gave speech
C. hemanagedtostand up and made a speechfor his country
Without the nutritious base of_, a good speech is impossible to occur()
A. critical thinking
B. culture
C. Logic
To get the attention and interest of the audience, you can takethefollowing methods except_()
A. posing a question
B. telling a story
C. making a long statement
The right postures ofmaking aspeech includethefollowingexcept_()
A. plantingyour feetwidely
B. hangingyour armsloosely by your side
C. lookingover your audience andsmiling