Which of the following is a romantic poet()
A. Christophe Marlowe
B. Alexander Pope
C. W.H. Auden
D. William Wordsworth
What is the common concern of realist writers()
A. social injustice
B. romantic love
C. natural beauty
D. religious faith
In A Defence of Poetry, which century was described by Shelley as a golden age of culture? ____()
A. the 8th century B.C
B. the 6th century B.C
C. the 5th century B.C
D. the 4th century B.C
What does citadel (in Stanza 4) mean in the context of the poem? ____()
A. fortress occupied by soldiers
B. coarse dirt
C. a wooden podium
D. the city the urn depicts
The speaker praises that the “unheard (melodies) are sweeter” (in Stanza 2) because ____()
A. he has tasted the melodies before
B. melodies unheard are more meaningful to the spirit
C. the urn sings to his soul
D. he is dead