
In comparison with the resting state, actively contracting human muscle tissue has a()

A. higher concentration of ATP
B. higher rate of lactate formation
C. lower consumption of glucose
D. lower rate of consumption of oxygen


An enzyme used in both glycolysis and gluconeogenesis is()

A. 3-phosphoglycerate kinase
B. glucose 6-phosphatase
C. hexokinase
D. phosphofructokinase-1

Conversion of 1 mol of acetyl-CoA to 2 mol of CO2 and CoA via the citric acid cycle results in the net production of()

A. 1 mol of citrate
B. 1 mol of FADH2
C. 1 mol of NADH
D. 1 mol of oxaloacetate

In humans, gluconeogenesis()

A. can result in the conversion of protein into blood glucose
B. helps to reduce blood glucose after a carbohydrate-rich meal
C. is essential in the conversion of fatty acids to glucose
D. requires the enzyme hexokinase

Which reaction in glycolysis produces ATP as a product()

A. hexokinase
B. glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase
C. pyruvate kinase
D. phosphofructokinase-1
