Some hotels ask their guests to rate the hotel’s services as excellent, very good, good, and poor. This is an example of the()
A. ordinal scale
B. ratio scale
C. nominal scale
D. interval scale
A. 不变 B.趋于一致 C.杂乱无章 D.不一定
B. 趋于一致
C. 杂乱无章
D. 不一定
Brace-map is for______()
A. defining in context
B. describing using adjectives
C. analyzing part-whole relationship
D. seeing analogies
A. 把素材拖入到Timeline面板,使用鼠标拖移素材边缘
B. 在Program Monitor面板中,使用入点、出点按钮配合鼠标拖移时间线上的素材边缘
C. 在Timeline面板中使用Razor剃刀工具裁剪素材
D. 使用Clip菜单下的Speed/Duration窗口中的Duration进行设置
E. 把素材拖入Source Monitor面板,使用入点、出点按钮裁剪素材
The writer says that students today ____()
A. are much more connected to life outside college
B. seldom ring their families
C. care more about their parents
D. spend a lot of time discussing literature and music with their college friends