
This was followed by pressure on cashflow (26%), competitor activities (21%) and heavy workload (19%).


The survey also found a link between stress levels and the number of days taken off by an individual in a year.

Stress was the main cause of high levels of longterm public sector absence, with three-quarters of public sector organisations putting stress among the top five causes of absence.

The survey shows why closing the gap between public and private sector absence has proved so difficult for all governments over the years.

在一项针对美国工人的调查中,63%的受访者表示,工作场所的压力对他们的心理和行为健康有显著影响。代表大型企业的英国工业联合会( Confederation of British ndustry)的一项研究显示,2017年,40%的雇主报告称,超过5%的员工存在心理健康问题。这几乎是2013年类似调查的4倍。
