
“相-地”制高频载波通道的主要高频加工设备,不包括( )。

A. 阻波器
B. 结合电容器
C. 连接滤波器
D. 光调制器


“相-地”制高频载波通道主要高频加工设备中的结合电容器,取值( )。

A. 较大
B. 较小
C. 任意
D. 以上都不是

单频/宽频阻波器谐振于工作频率,对工作频率信号表现为高阻抗,对工频频率表现为低阻抗(<0.04),可提高通道使用效率。( )

A. 对
B. 错

1.He grew up in 1).2.His dream was to become 2).3.Many of his music idols died before they were 27, which inspired him to do something about 3)before it's too late.4.He bought himself a second-hand 4), joined bands, and played concerts. He also started to 5). He played all the time.5.At 28 he realized that apart frommusic he had his family and friends. He still played but only for fun.

[sə'faɪs] vt. 使满足;足够…用;合格;
