Which one is the agents of Calcineurin Inhibitors?
A. everolimus
B. prednisone
C. cyclosporin
D. azathioprine
Eye examinations are recommended for patients receiving:
A. belimumab
B. cycophosphamide
C. hydroxychloroquine
D. mycophenolate mofetil
A patient who is going to be treated with cyclophophamide is consedered tob e at significant risk for hemorrhagic cystitis. which of the following will decrease her chances of developing this complication?
A. alkalinization of urine
B. cholestyramine
C. folic acid
D. mesna
A 35-year-old woman who wants to have a baby in the furute is found to have SLE,which of the following drugs has the greatest potential to adversely affect fertility?
A. azathioprine
B. cyclophosphamide
C. hydroxychloroquine
D. mycophenolate mofetil
A patient with definite antiphopholpid syndrome had her first venous thrombosis and was treated for the acute episode. what should initially be used for secondaty thromboprophylaxis for this patient?
A. low-molecular-weight heparin
B. aspirin
C. wafarin
D. simvastatin