
While advertising offers a stimulus to buy, sales promotion offers a(n) ____ to buy, but consumers must have their own reason to buy.

A. incentive
B. contend
C. gossip
D. autonomy


As we ____ to tonight’s presidential debate, it’s time to go over the political agendas which the candidates are trying to promote.

A. at hand
B. slave away
C. count down
D. dedicate

To a large extent, computers have already _____ most aspects of our lives, from transportation and telecommunications to entertainment.

A. nutrition
B. standpoint
C. evacuated
D. permeated

I know____ about cars, and i'm not interested in them either.

A. any to nothing
B. next to nothing
C. everything
D. much

After her long,sleepless night, Ruth took a deep breath and _____ all her courage to put into words what she had decided to say.

A. summoned
B. minimal
C. brooded
D. huddled
