
清晰性是批判性思维的标准之一,它要求我们不止要在思考问题时做到有层次、有条理,还应该在表达时( )

A. 语言清楚明白
B. 含混不清
C. 词不达意
D. 下笔千言,离题万里



A. 整合不同的观点,追求集大成式的思维成果
B. 标新立异
C. 和稀泥
D. 中庸之道

一致性是批判性思维的基础理念。( )要求努力发现和消除自己信念中的矛盾并警惕他人信念中的矛盾。

A. 一致性
B. 清晰性
C. 相关性
D. 重要性

U4R3 PA: Students are seldom expected to memorize information; instead, they are encouraged to think for themselves, find answers on their own and come up with individual solutions.......很少会让学生死记硬背;相反,老师会鼓励学生自己思考问题,独自寻找答案,并各自想出解决方案。It is important that children ____________________ (被鼓励独立思考) and ____________________ (要想出自己的解决方法) when meeting problems.

U4R3 PC: For another, the extremely demanding system puts enormous psychological pressure on students, and is considered a primary factor in the high suicide rate among Japanese school-age children.其二,该体系极其严格,给学生造成巨大的心理压力,被视为日本学龄儿童自杀率居高的主要因素。It is said that ____________________ is ____________________. (给学生巨大的心理压力, 被认为是高自杀率一个主要因素)
