
adj. not very large, expensive, important, etc..; not talking much about your own abilities or possessions

A. mutual
B. median
C. mature
D. modest


n. a work of art such as a painting, film/movie, book, etc. .that is an excellent, or the best, example of the artist's work

A. occurrence
B. mineral
C. petroleum
D. masterpiece

adj. large enough to be noticed or to have a clear and noticeable effect; that can be measured

A. measurable
B. mature
C. parallel
D. miserable

101.n. a very small piece of sth.

A. palace
B. musician
C. passion
D. particle

早晨的峨眉山金顶是观赏下列哪种气象景观的胜地( )

A. 蜃景
B. 云雾景
C. 雾凇
D. 佛光
